Study Medicine Europe - UK Newspaper

The obvious statistics regarding the shortage of medical staff in the UK has brought SME into the limelight. Renowned and highly reputable UK newspaper such as the Daily Mail has interviewed multiple SME students who are currently pursuing their academic careers in fully accredited medical universities in Eastern Europe. The interviewed students are in fact students who have received really good results in their A-levels however not enough to get into a medical school in the UK and because of that they have been continuously rejected by the local universities even when the country is in great need of doctors.
The newspapers also interviewed SME staff and teams obtaining information on how SME has created opportunities and second chances for local students to achieve their dreams in pursuing careers in medicine, dentistry and veterinary. SME also has proudly published the number of students they send annually to schools in Eastern Europe. The number is always rising stating how SME has strived in creating a bright future generation.
Study Medicine Europe - Royal Society of Medicine

National associations like the Royal Society of Medicine hosted prominent conferences and invited Study Medical Europe to participate and share their professional views in supporting students to study medicine abroad. Study Medicine Europe was able to share their expertise in helping students achieve their dreams by providing multiple support and solutions in studying abroad particularly the Central and Eastern Europe.
Study Medicine Europe has been serving thousands of students from all over the world in providing them quality education. Guaranteeing students with a qualification that is recognised all over the world.
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